Privacy statement

Privacy statement for Logistics has established this privacy statement in order to show our responsibility to provide maximum protection to the privacy of our users.
Personal Information

The registration form used for accessing the FWT Logistics website and its online order forms require for users to give us contact details such as (name, address and communication details) and the related membership numbers of auctions they belong. This information is being used to send information and promotional material to registered users about our company and new features to be launched on our website. The information or data registered via are not made publicly available. has security measures in place to protect the user information registered in our systems. These measures include restricted access to databases containing user information, protected by digital certificates provided by the hosting services. Except as set out below or as may be otherwise agreed, FWT Logistics does not publish, share, trade, sell or otherwise disseminate any of the information or data registered or provided to us to any other party. FWT Logistics and any of the aforementioned parties may, however, be obligated and are entitled to disclose information and data registered or provided to us in compliance with applicable law, court or arbitration orders, judgments awards or other legal processes served or in compliance with requests by any entitled authority, body or person or to protect the interests, rights, property of FWT Logistics, our users or others.

Non-Personal Information

We collect non-personal information such as IP addresses during your use of our website to help diagnose problems with our server, and to identify ways of making our site better. This information is not linked to anything personal.


A cookie is information that a web site puts on your hard disk so that it can remember something about you at a later time. (More technically, it is information for future use that is stored by the server on the client side of a client/server communication.) We use 'cookies' to generate digital certificates that identifies the user when logging on to our interactive shipping services. 'Cookies' are also used to control the correct display of the website navigation bar.

Client View Panel

What are online order form?

Online order form collects information from our users/clients in order to process the orders online. Through these orders form, FWT Logistics receives auctions membership numbers and other details of orders. The purpose of collection this information is only to provide efficient transportation and shipping services. Except as set out below or as may be otherwise agreed, FWT Logistics does not publish, share, trade, sell or otherwise disseminate any of the information or data registered or provided to us to any other party.

Client View Panel

Client View Panel

Links and disclaimer related thereto

This site may contain links to other third party or affiliate websites. is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such third party websites.


If you have any questions or comments about privacy, the use of this web site, or your dealings with this web site you can contact:
FWT Logistics Japan
2-12-5, Izumi Ebina-Shi Kanagawa-ken 243-0437 JAPAN

Connect with Our Skilled Freight Forwarding Team

Marketing Department

Shiraishi Kouichi

General Manager Marketing and Operations


Daud Hirata

Senior Manager Marketing


Hisatoshi Matsubara

Senior Manager Marketing and Operations


Hiroyuki Shigeta

Senior Manager Marketing and Operations


Transport Department

Endo Hiroyuki

Executive Officer Transportation


Booking Department

Hirofumi Kanetsuki

Assistant Manager Booking and Space Management

045-548-9977 / Fax : 045-577-0036

Operation Department

Omar Khan

Chief Operating Officer

Ohta Makoto

Corporate Officer

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